HP Tuners Modified PCMs for Late-Model Mopars

Photos by MIt is amazing how many quality parts are manufactured for our late-model Chrysler, Dodge, RAM, and Jeep rides. However, with each performance part installed, the optimum engine tune is slightly reduced, and the factory Powertrain Control Module (PCM) struggles to maintain performance and emissions quality. Closing in on two decades of tuner development, HP Tuners has been on the cutting edge of the tuner technology that allows the vehicle enthusiast (or professional tuner) the opportunity to “dial-in” the engine tune to operate effectively with the new performance parts. HP Tuners recently added a Dodge Modified PCM option to its extensive tuning options.

Before HP Tuners introduction of the new PCM, anyone with a 2015 or newer Mopar, had to send the factory PCM to HP Tuners for an update (PCM Modification Service). Without a PCM, the owner could not drive the vehicle. For most, the car or truck is a daily driver, and often the downtime is not an option. HP Tuners developed an all-new Modified PCM ready for tuning once installed into your engine bay, which ends the downtime concern. The vehicle can be driven with the factory PCM, and when the new PCM arrives, follow the removal and installation steps, and in an hour or less, you are back on the road.

Above left: HP Tuners has introduced the all-new Dodge Modified PCM for the 2015+ Dodge, Chrysler, RAM, and Jeep. The HP Tuners PCM arrives loaded with your stock calibration parameters. However, the new PCM data can be read, edited, and rewritten as new performance components are added to the vehicle. Above center: For all 2018+ Mopars, the HP Tuners Smart Access Cable is required to allow the read, write, and special functions for the Dodge, Chrysler, RAM, and Jeep vehicles. Above right: As with any OBDII vehicle, an interface cable is required for communication between the vehicle network and the tuner or scan tool.

What needs to be done to purchase a ready to install modified PCM? The factory PCM’s stock calibration data must be downloaded and saved as an HPT or RTD file. Downloading the stock calibration requires the use of the latest version of HP Tuners’ VCM Editor. The VCM Editor will read the factory PCM and save a stock calibration file. On HP Tuners’ online order form, the owner must select the make, model, and year PCM required, and the stock calibration file needs to be uploaded. Once the upload is completed, HP Tuners will process the data in 1 to 3 business days, and the new PCM will be shipped.

After installing the new PCM, full access to the operating system will be allowed, and the tuner can perform calibration and flash modifications. If the vehicle is a 2018+, a Dodge Smart Access Cable will be required to enable the read, write, and special functions. For more information about the new Modified PCM, the VCM, and the Smart Access Cable, check out HP Tuners online.

Chris Holley
Chris Holley
Technical Contributor Chris has been a college professor for 27 years, and at Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, PA., for the last 22 years. Chris instructs automotive classes in HVAC, electrical/electronics, and high-performance, including using a chassis dyno, flow benches, and various machining equipment. Additionally, he teaches vintage vehicle upholstery to Penn College restoration students. Chris owns a '67 Dart, a '68 Road Runner, a '69 Dart, a '75 Dart, a '06 Charger, and a '12 Cummins turbo diesel Ram. Chris is a multi-time track champion (drag racing) with his '69 340 Dart, which he has owned for 36 years.

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