Gallery: Hundreds of Mopars Flock to The Donut Cutter 2024

If you have heard of the Woodward Dream Cruise, you’ve heard about the Donut Cutter. That does not sound connected but follow me here. The Donut Cutter is a doughnut shop on Woodward Avenue, and the Wednesday before the Dream Cruise there is a large gathering of Mopars on the property.

I have personally been able to be in Detroit during what is called “Woodward Week” for a decade now. It is book ended by Roadkill Nights the weekend before and the Dream Cruise the following Sunday. Every day in between there is some sort of automotive shenanigan going on somewhere in the area but at the end of the day, people come out to Woodward Ave to cruise.


In the decade I have been able to participate on and off at the Donut Cutter, the gathering has increased to such an extent that the cars now spill out onto side streets and adjacent parking lots. If you park in the lot, you are almost guaranteed to be stuck there for a good long while.

The Twisted Axle Car Club has been the host of the event for years now, and they have helped iron out some winkles in organization of the event. There are now more cars able to park on the property because they had people directing people into spots and making things are snug, but not too snug for the cars.

What a selection of cars there is! There is nearly the entire spectrum of Mopar love that pops up on the property. And I do mean the entire spectrum: Demon 170? Check! Dodge Diplomat 2-door with T-tops? Check! Several Hemi and Six Pack cars? Check! It looks like a Skittles bag spilled all over the parking lot. It was wonderful. And the owners are genuinely nice people, and several of them I have become friends with because of this event.

If you are in the Detroit area the Wednesday before the Woodward Dream Cruise, and you love Mopars a stop at the Donut Cutter is an absolute must.

Ryan Brutt
Ryan Brutt
Ryan is an automotive journalist from Chicago with a pair of Challengers (a '70 and a '09). Normally, in Ryan's free time (which is a lot), he drives around the country documenting old cars in their unrestored condition - also known as "Barn Finds." But he also writes about any sort of cool cars out there.

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