Don’t Pass On Passon Performance’s 4-Speed Restoration Services

We’ve all seen those “Before/After” pictures hocking miracle diet pills and gut-busting workout videos, but how about this worn out A-833 4-speed’s miraculous transformation into a better-than-new gearbox? Jamie Passon of Passon Performance writes, “This is what the typical A-833 transmission looks like when it arrives at our shop for restoration. [And] this is what the same unit looks like once we are through with it. We can restore your A-833 to peak performance and appearance. We can also restore your other 4-speed components!”

And that’s the key: Passon just doesn’t rebuild factory original 3- and 4-speeds, but can meticulously restore each and every component of your manual transmission build. From the shifter all the way down to the housing, paint marks and tabs. Passon is your resource for everything you need A-833. In describing the images below, Jamie continues, “Prepping another batch of shifter handles for restoration. Our component restoration is second to none!” and captioned the second image: “Prepping another batch of Hurst shifters to rebuild. Won’t be long until they are like a bunch of shiny new pennies.”

So do not hesitate to contact Passon Performance to have your transmission and transmission-related components restored to perfect operation condition at a very reasonable price today!

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching Mopar Connection Magazine. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story. He's also the co-author of "The Chrysler B-Body Restoration Guide."

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