Gallery: 2015 Goodguys Rod & Custom Association Car Show, Nashville, TN


Odds are if you are a dyed-in-the-wool “Mopar or No Car” kind of guy or gal, you have never been to a Goodguys Show. Just the fact that there are several hundred Chevys and Fords to every one Mopar in attendance is proof of that.

Until a local club, The Music City Mopar Club, began to help with the event we had never even considered attending let alone bringing a Mighty Mopar. After all, it is just for Chevy and Ford street rods, right? Wrong! The good people at Goodguys love Mopars and hopefully, we can help get the word out so more of you can attend and carry the Mopar banner and let these guys see why we are “Mopar or No Car.”

The Music City Mopar Club has been manning the entrance gate for the past several years. What could be a better way to see all these beautiful rods, customs, and stock pre-1972 cars? They all have to come by you to get into the show all three days. In fact, it wasn’t until the club started working the show that they discovered just how many Mopars were attending. Yes, they were well out-numbered but they still drew a crowd of respectful admirers.

The Goodguys show has many different activities and areas. Every stop of the Goodguys’ National Tour has a fulls wathe of professional automotive aftermarket vendors, a professionally-manned autocross course, and a large swap meet area. All of these are set with the beautiful downtown Nashville as the backdrop.


The first two days of the Goodguys show welcomes only cars older than 1972 to enter the show, but then on Sunday they open up to all American-made iron. That way even Modern Muscle can get into the action. And throughout the weekend, off and on during the day, they even have a stage with live music because if you’re going to be in Nashville, you gotta have live music.

There were several vendors that had Mopar-specific parts and accessories for customizing your ride, including Edelbrock and QA1. Each of them all ready to help with advice on how to modify and improve your car. The Goodguys didn’t stop there, they even had Eddie Munster as a special guest accompanied by the “Drag-u-la” and “Munster Koach”

Imagine our surprise when we walked up to enter the vendor area and there in the Griot’s Garage display was a 1970 Hemi ‘Cuda convertible featured to show off their fine detailing products. Obviously, Mopars might be outnumbered but definitely not unappreciated. Despite the abundance of “other” manufacturers autos there were Mopars of every era, style, ranging from completely original to extremely modified.

So the next time a Goodguys Show comes to your area bring out your Mopar Muscle and know that you will be welcomed with open arms and let your Mopar banner fly!

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Mike Wilkins
Mike Wilkins
Michael Wilkins is a lifelong Mopar owner, restorer, and car enthusiast, as well as a respected judge of OE Plymouth and Dodge B-Bodies. Wilkins has spent nearly half a century driving, racing, and restoring some of the finest Mopars in the US, earning several Antique Automobile of America Grand National Senior awards, Mopar National Best of Show and first place awards, and a co-author of "The Chrysler B-Body Restoration Guide."

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