Silver Sport Transmissions, LLC Celebrates 2nd Anniversary


A year is a great mile marker to pass, and three years in is always a signifier that you’re on the right track. Such is the case with Silver Sport Transmissions. With two years under their belt (and decades more of cumulative experience between its engineering team), the crew at SST are excited for the years to come – continuing to offer and develop further overdrive transmission solutions for your vintage Mopar – be it a 5- or 6-speed Tremec gearbox, or one of their uniquely designed 4-speed overdrive automatics, the A41! To herald in the occasion, we at Mopar Connection wanted to pass along a letter from Jack Silver, SST’s CEO:

Our third year at Silver Sport Transmissions, LLC has begun! Time flies when you are having fun… Usually this is just a catch phrase, but in our case it is 100% true.

SST is widely recognized as providing the highest quality components and best customer service in the industry.  This reputation has helped us become the fastest growing company in the marketplace.

SST is truly different, to understand why, you have to look back to our formation. SST was formed by people and investors who had already completed their careers. But they missed the business process.

So they determined to build the best company in this market. SST was designed to be the industry leader which is why we focus our efforts on quality and customer service.

SST has a dedicated (in-house) Engineering staff devoted to improving our products and to developing new ones.  We are concentrating on the development of six speed TREMEC magnum kits for classic muscle cars. Three new kits have already been released this year and we have more project cars in our shop right now.

These kits are unique in the industry. SST, like a few other TREMEC suppliers, can supply a transmission kit for any car…but making a kit which provides a factory like installation, with complete instructions and specialized parts…that is a different story and a major reason we are different.

As for customer service, SST’s computer system has just been upgraded with a new computerized “Customer Service System” to not only maintain our industry leading service but to make it even better. No, you are not going to have to talk to a computerized phone system to use it, in fact, the only difference you will notice is that our customer service will be, by far, the best/most responsive in the industry.

Thank you to everyone who has worked with SST in the past, your support is greatly appreciated. And, to all those with projects being planned for the future, we would like to help you with those projects and demonstrate to you the difference which comes with SST products.

Jack Silver, CEO

Kevin Shaw
Kevin Shaw
Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Shaw is a decade-long powersports and automotive journalist whose love for things that go too fast has led him to launching Mopar Connection Magazine. Almost always found with stained hands and dirt under his fingernails, Kevin has an eye for the technical while keeping a eye out for beautiful photography and a great story. He's also the co-author of "The Chrysler B-Body Restoration Guide."

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