Merely uttering the words Bill Mitchell Products in a room filled with drag racers will quickly bring the din of voices to a whisper. Those in the know recognize Bill Mitchell Products (BMP) is a hardcore, heavy hitter for all things engine and racing related. BMP has been a manufacturer of high-performance engine blocks, cylinder heads, and intake manifolds since 1980.

Mopar Connection Magazine has discussed the BMP aluminum Gen II Hemi castings several times (1, 2, 3). While those blocks are genuinely astonishing, did you know BMP offers a Tech Center on its website, which is filled with tech bulletins and information about engine blocks and cylinder heads.
While many of us feel we know how to assemble our engine, the tech center may be an excellent source for those new to engine assembling or those who would like to touch up on their techniques.
What kind of information is provided by BMP? How about tech on oil restrictors, harmonic balancer installation, piston orientation and installation, pushrod length measuring, and degreeing a camshaft.
Additional information includes tuning a carburetor and the ins and outs of tuning alcohol fuel systems.
Also, for your friends with Chevys and Fords, BMP has technical data on cylinder blocks, heads, and proven horsepower combinations. But don’t think that Bill Mitchell Products has forgotten Mopar. BMP has technical data and horsepower combinations at its disposal to share; it just requires a phone call for a more personalized service afforded to the Mopar enthusiasts.
If you are in the market for a Mopar big-block casting, Hemi (Gen II/Gen III) or wedge rotating assemblies, fuel system components including carburetors, cooling system pieces, harmonic balancers, or valvetrain parts, check out Bill Mitchell Products. And remember, once equipped with BMP hardcore components, you will be the one casting a hush over the crowd and likely putting the competition on the trailer.
Above left: In the tech center, BMP has a complete set of instructions on the proper installation and degreeing of a camshaft. To assist in dialing in the cam, a quality Comp Cams degree wheel, piston stop, crankshaft socket, dial indicator, and a pointer kit is offered by BMP.Above right: Also, in the tech center, there are instructions on the removal and installation of harmonic balancers. BMP offers plenty of different styles of harmonic balancer installation and removing tools.