If you’re the type who likes to plan several months ahead, then now is the time to set time aside for the annual Southern Plains Mopar Fest in Bristow, Oklahoma. Designed with the intent of helping the Mayor of Bristow – as well as the who town – raise money to move the original Chrysler Tower built in 1947 to a couple of blocks away on Route 66, the Southern Plains Mopar Fest is quickly growing into a huge “must-see” event for Mopar lovers in Middle America.
But wait, what’s that about a Chrysler tower? Yup, the 102-foot-tall Chrysler Plymouth Tower just east of Route 66 was “once part of the Beard Motor Company until the death of the owner and the opening of I-44 between Tulsa and Oklahoma City forced the business to close.” The community wants to relight the sign for the first time in decades but lacks the funds to bring the Chrysler Plymouth Tower back to its former glory.
Working together with the Bristow Historical Society, the Southern Plains Mopar Fest seeks to move, restore, and preserve this historic piece of absolute Mopar Americana located smack dab in the middle of Bristow, Oklahoma! How?
By building its event into a world-class show with a Route 66 One Hundred Cruise, drag racing on historic Route 66 (featuring an arm drop 1/8-mile racing format); a swap meet; car show and car corral! And the whole show will have the original Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth dealership as the forefront!
“You can view this most elegant, beautiful, and original 102-foot tall piece of Mopar history on the east side of the “Mother Road” Route 66 in Bristow, OK! We are excited to have the town of Bristow and hosting our All Mopar event! Come out and help preserve this absolute one of a kind piece of Chrysler Americana!” Learn everything you need to know about the Southern Plains Mopar Fest here.
Same date as the Piedmont MOPAR Fun Run. This event has been ongoing for 30 plus years. I realize it’s some distance but really you all couldn’t pick a better date?