Just two weeks before we were scheduled to take the Comeback ‘Cuda to the 33rd Annual “Mopars with Big Daddy” Don Garlits show in Ocala, followed by a return to Panama City Beach and the Emerald Coast Cruizin, the original style battery in the car wouldn’t hold a charge.
Anybody who has used original style batteries in their cars over the past few years knows it has not been easy to always get these batteries. You know you just can’t go down to the local parts store and pick one up. The main manufacturer quit making them and finding where and who to get these batteries from became more than difficult.
Enter Mancini Racing. We were excited to hear that Mancini now has more than enough of these original style batteries in stock and available for shipping. BAM! just what we needed! Here is a quote from their website:
Above left: We were just days away from needing to load the Comeback ‘Cuda into the trailer for the Florida trip when the original style battery would not hold a charge. In a matter of a few days, we had a brand new TurboStart, non-spillable, Mopar licensed, Group 27, authentic battery with the correct Red caps direct from Mancini Racing. Above right: After unpacking the battery, we went over all the details of the battery closely examining it from the top down. Correct casting, fonts, part numbers, Chrysler logo, everything reproduced to perfection including the Red caps. Best of all it is a sealed battery that you do not need to add battery acid to unlike earlier reproductions.
“After a three-year hiatus, authentic Mopar restoration batteries are back, and Mancini Racing has both group 27 and group 24 styles in red, green, and yellow cap versions”.
So, with only days to go before we needed to load the Comeback ‘Cuda in the trailer we contacted Mancini, and as always with their great customer service we had the battery in hand with a few days to spare. That’s the beauty of a supplier having inventory on hand. They can ship it out the next day without having to special order one, drop ship it, and have it arrive three weeks later. (that’s what happened the last time we bought an original style battery)
Once again, the gang at Mancini Racing came through for the “Mopar Faithful.” They are not just a parts supplier selling “Brand X” and having a little knowledge about Mopars. They are the go-to guys for restoration parts, speed parts, modern and classic supplies, and they eat and breathe Mopars! They truly are “The Original Mopar Direct Connection Warehouse” Thanks Guys!
Above left: We then closely examine the side casing. Same as the top everything was correct. A quick wipe of Meguiars “Natural Shine” dressing and it is ready to install. Above right: Since we already had the correct battery hold down hardware from Frank Badalson it was an easy install. Notice the correct finish on the battery hold down posts, nuts, and rubber coated bracket. Yes in 1969 the hold down bracket had wing nuts, but in 1970 ‘Ma Mopar went with shoulder captive washer nuts.
Above: In a matter of minutes, the new authentic original style battery is in the car. After looking at this picture go out and look at your engine compartment. If you have another type of after-market battery in your car, compare the difference an original style battery makes. These new batteries made by TurboStart and available from Mancini eliminate all of the past shortcomings of reproduction batteries. If you show your car you won’t lose points and if you just drive your car to cruise-ins when you lift your hood this battery makes an immediate impression. Plus, they actually work and are maintenance free.
I MEED A GROUP 27 MOPsr battery