HomeProjectsBrazen – '69 Dodge Charger

Brazen – '69 Dodge Charger

Gallery: Adding Some Civility With Silver Sport Transmissions’ A41 PerfectFit Overdrive Automatic

Recently, we had been struggling with the direction of "Brazen," our long term project '69 Dodge Charger R/T. Initially inspired by "Dandy" Dick Landy's...

Gallery: Modernizing Your Mopar With The FAST EZ-EFI 2.0

Weather can play a big factor in how much you enjoy your muscle car, and not just when the roads are wet or icy....

Gallery: Moving Major Ozone With Hedman Husler Hedders & Flowmaster’s American Thunder Series

Engines are just big air pumps. Sure, it might be cliché to say so, but it does not negate that the more air (and...

Gallery: Pick Up Power, Longevity & Seal Leaks With An External Vacuum Pump

It took a while for us to discover that our 535 cubic inch stroker motor (see both installments of "Wicked Wedge of The South"...

Gallery: Boxed In With Flaming River’s Manual Steering Box

There's an old adage from yesterday's drag racers that claims for every 100 pounds lost is equal to a 1/10-second reduction in E.T., or...

Gallery: Bracing Up Brazen With Competition Engineering and G-Force Racing Gear

"Y'know these cars would twist real bad," an old Mopar street rodder warned us a dozen years ago. "You're gonna need to stiffen that...

Gallery: Quieting Down The Road Noise With HushMat

Feeling a little daring with our on-going "Brazen" '69 Dodge Charger project, we recently decided to make the hour's journey from our Nashville, Tennessee...

Gallery: Debunking Paintless Dent Removal Myths

Metal has memory. Any fabricator will tell you this. From the moment the cold rolled steel is stamped into a predetermined shape, be it...

Cool It: Installing Be Cool Radiator’s 700HP Show & Go Cooling System

We weren't fooled in thinking our factory 26-inch vertical flow copper-core radiator could get the job done, especially with the wimpy electrical pusher fan...

Gallery: Custom Fabbing a Hemi Hood Scoop For Project Brazen

With our ongoing Project Brazen '69 Dodge Charger, we've been encountering "happy problems." These are often small (but not necessarily inexpensive) issues that rear...

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Chunky Monkey: 8¾ Rear End Center Section Rebuild

If you're building a classic Mopar muscle car, chances are if your machine came from the factory with anything bigger than an 318, you've...

The General Rides Again: Everything You Need to Know To Build a Correct General Lee

In 1978, a decision was made over at Warner Brothers to film at least five episodes of a brand new TV series called “The...

Swap a Modern HEMI Into Your Classic Mopar with Mopar’s New Crate HEMI Engine Kits

With modern HEMI swaps into old Mopars becoming quite popular, Mopar has decided to step up their game with a fantastic announcement at the...

What You May Not Know About The “Vanishing Point” 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T

"Vanishing Point"; it’s a name well known in the Mopar community. Many have seen the movie but surprisingly, quite a few haven’t. Spoiler alert...

Go Manual With Passon Performance’s 4-Speed Conversion Kit

Sadly, not all Mopars were outfitted with 4-speeds and finding one isn’t easy. Even if you find a manual car that might have had...

Gallery: ’66-’70 B-Body 8.75 Rear Differential Identifiers & Markings

For 1966-1970 Plymouth and Dodge B-bodies there were three basic rear end assemblies that were available: the 8¼, the 8¾, and the 9¾ Dana...
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